
Over 45 years of hearing healthcare services to Miami

Hearing Services

Kendall Audiology has served the Miami area for decades, offering a complete range of hearing healthcare to our patients. We have an entire team of professionals bringing their different expertise to our practice.

This means we can proudly say we specialize in pediatric audiology, advanced hearing screenings, and the latest in hearing aid technology. We also offer audiology services in Spanish. Whether you are looking for screening or treatment for yourself or your child, we are here to help you.

Our Services

Follow-Up Care

  • After you get hearing aids, we’ll follow up with you every two weeks during your trial period.
  • After that, we’ll see you on an as-needed basis.
  • We check in with patients a minimum of every six months even if everything is going well so we can clean your hearing aid, check on your ears, and make sure the device is working up to specifications. Sometimes there may be problems you haven’t yet noticed, but we can catch and fix them early.
  • We recommend that all patients have a hearing test once a year. Testing annually lets us stay on top of any changes to your hearing.

Your Hearing Aid Purchase

If you purchase hearing aids from Kendall Audiology, we will include office visits for the length of your warranty. As long as your warranty is still good, your office visits are free, no matter how often you come to see us. We welcome you to drop by anytime you need help, whether it’s for cleaning, adjustments, or counseling on how to manage your hearing aids. Some patients come in every week, some come every month, and some just see us on a six-month schedule.

Hand holding hearing aid
Hearing aid instruments

Additional Testing

Testing is on a case-by-case basis, or if a doctor orders more diagnostic testing for you. If we find that your hearing loss isn’t a straightforward sensorineural (nerve) hearing loss, we will want to check it in other ways by running emittance testing. If we’re not getting the most reliable responses from standard pure-tone testing, we can do an otoacoustics emissions test to help give us a clearer picture of what might be going on. We also offer specialized testing for children.

Remote Hearing Aid Adjustment

We have many snowbird clients who are here part of the year, so to help them, we’ve been taking advantage of the latest technologies that allow us to do adjustments with our patients off-site. Not many audiologists offer this service, but it makes sense for our clients, so we are using it more and more.

Schedule Your Appointment

Or send us a message. Please call the office for all pediatric appointments and/or any questions you have about our services.

Our Office

9900 SW 107th Avenue
Suite 202
Miami, FL 33176

P (305) 595-1530

Mon-Fri: 8:30AM – 5:00PM
By appointment only.
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

Our Location